Instructions for Camera-ready Submission

The MoMM2021 proceedings will be published together with the proceedings of iiWAS2021 by ACM with the ISBN (978-1-4503-9556-4). This includes all MoMM2021 full, short and showcase papers.

ACM is revising its Publication Workflow and Article Templates for the article submission and publication process. As part of this process, ACM is switching to a single-column manuscript and a camera-ready version format. The purpose of the updated process is to increase the accessibility of articles published in the ACM Digital Library.

The following instructions will help you in formatting the camera-ready version of your paper. Please, read all of them carefully before submitting it. 


  • Please revise your paper according to the reviews you have received in the acceptance notification email
  • Please check if you have received the eRights review form (will be sent within 10 days after acceptance notification). As rights management emails are automated, they may wind up in SPAM folders. Please make sure that you and your coauthors set SPAM settings to allow emails from If you didn't receive the email till one week before the conference, email (
  • Please complete the form as instructed in the email. You will receive the instructions about copyright and DOI. Please include the copyright block text, conference data, and DOI string in your paper.
  • You will receive an email with the link to access TAPS 
  • Review and follow all instructions to generate the single-column camera ready version.
  • Double-check your paper's metadata
  • Access TAPS using the provided link. Compress all your source files into a ZIP file such as instructed on TAPS page (your specific author dash-board) and submit it to the system.
  • As soon as the system accepts your submission, you will receive the proofs for your paper by email after 24 hours.
  • If you are satisfied with the proofs of your paper, approve the paper in the system.
  • Have you registered for the conferences and completed your payment, if yes, the you are done and see you in iiWAS and MoMM 2021.

General Information

Please do not email about a missing eRights form until 7 days prior to the deadline for your submission. You can still verify the majority of the other requirements prior to receiving the eRights form and TAPS link.

  • ACM provide best practice guidelines for the submission process with TAPS
  • Have you completed the ACM eRights review form for your submission? Additionally, we emphasize that authors should agree to videotaping in the eRights form as talks will be streamed and made available on demand after the conference. If you have not received an email from until a week before your camera-ready submission deadline, check the contact author(s)’s junk or spam email folders and complete the form promptly. If the eRights review form can not be located, email with your Paper ID number, title, and correct contact author’s valid email address.
  • All submissions must comply with the ACM SIG proceedings templates and formatting.
  • Be sure that all 3rd party material is properly documented. Please review the copyright policy.
  • If you have questions or problems, please contact the proceedings co-chairs at the following email address:
  • After completing the eRights form, you will receive an email from with a link through which you can access TAPS. Have you received this email? If not, check the contact author(s)’s junk or spam email folders. If the access link can not be located, email with your Paper ID number, title, and correct contact author’s valid email address.
  • Submit your paper to The ACM Publishing System (TAPS) using the link sent to you by email.

Number of Pages

The maximum number of pages is 12 pages for full papers and 6 pages for short and SHOW papers. For each extra page, a fee of EURO 50 will be charged with a maximum of two extra pages.

ACM Templates

Your camera-ready submission must be formatted according to the new standard ACM SIG proceedings format. The new format is available here. Further, the authors are required to include a proper classification for the paper according to the ACM Classification System (CCS). Additional information on how to use it is available here.

Word Templates
Word for Windows
Word for Mac 2011
Word for Mac 2016
Please choose the correct version of the ACM Master Article Template depending on the version of Word you are using. Follow the instructions detailed in the ACM Instructions for Applying the Master Article Template document.

Based on how the ACM eRights form was completed, paste the copyright macro you received in the email confirmation for getting the right copyright notice

LaTeX instructions
Please use the latest version of the Master Article Template – LaTeX to create your submission. You must use the “manuscript” option with the \documentclass[manuscript]{acmart} command to generate the output in a single-column format which is required for a camera-ready submission. Please see the LaTeX documentation and ACM’s LaTeX best practices guide for further instructions.

To ensure 100% compatibility with The ACM Publishing System (TAPS), please restrict the use of packages to the whitelist of approved LaTeX packages.

After completion of the ACM eRights form, you will receive another email from which contains the commands that need to be inserted into your final LaTeX file in order to generate the proper rights statement and Bibstrip data.

Please do not enter the page numbers.

Paper Metadata:

  • Double-check that your title and abstract fields in the TAPS submission page match the text in your paper.
  • Be sure that the title is in Initial Caps. Initial Caps Meaning First Letter of the Main Words Should be Made Capital Letters. Capitalize the First Letter of Main Words in the Title (Most Nouns), except a, an, the, conjunctions (and, but, or, for, …), and prepositions (of, to, in, on, …)
  • Double-check the author’s name, affiliation, and email in the paper.


In order for your paper to be included in the proceedings we require at least one author to register and pay the registration fees in full before October 20th, 2021. For registration please refer to the registration page.

Camera-Ready Paper Submission

You should submit a single ZIP file containing ALL your source files (e.g., *.tex, *.bib, *.sty, and all figures for Latex Users or the .docx file for Word users). In order to upload these files into TAPS, follow the instructions presented in the following tutorial.

The contact author will receive the ‘Notification to upload your paper to the ACM TAPS’ email from TAPS, in which the system will ask you to submit your source files and provide a unique link through which you can access TAPS (your specific author dashboard). In the top of your author dashboard TAPS provides the information about “Proceeding Acronym”, “Paper ID” and “Title of Paper”. You can upload a zip file in TAPS for further processing and the ZIP file naming should be like ProceedingAcronym– It is important to follow strictly all the instructions of file structure and naming of the zip file that should be uploaded on TAPS.

The publishing system automatically produces the traditional PDF output as well as ACM’s new responsive HTML5 design. Within 24 hours after submitting the .zip file, the contact author will receive the ‘PDF and HTML Proofs: available for review’ email notifying that the proofs for the published versions of your paper (both PDF and HTML5 versions) are available for your review and approval. Note that TAPS will generate the output PDF using the double-column format, which follows the “sigconf” proceedings template. TAPS receives the information from ACM’s system regarding which composition layout needs to be followed for the papers in your proceedings (i.e., “sigconf” in this case) and applies the required style internally.

If you are satisfied with the proofs for the published versions, please notify us of your approval within The ACM Publishing System (TAPS). If you find that the PDF and/or HTML file(s) did not convert correctly, follow the instructions presented in the author dashboard.

Should you have any questions or issues going through the instructions above, please contact support at for both LaTeX and Microsoft Word inquiries.