Cognitive Internet of Things - a New Era of Computing and Networking ?
Dr. Karin Anna Hummel
Employing "cognitive" systems in smart homes/buildings/cities, autonomous vehicles, and production tools and processes is a recent trend. Cyber-physical systems are enhanced with abilities to learn and reason about the physical environment, human and machine behavior, cooperation strategies, and may take actions accordingly. This development may transform the way we employ "things" and may have a tremendous impact on society. Standing on the shoulders of giants such as artificial intelligence, robotics, self-organization, real-time systems, ubiquitous and pervasive computing, and control systems, what makes "cognitive systems" something special? What can we expect from cognitive things and cognitive networks in the next five, ten, 20 years - how will they learn, what will they know, and how will they act? What does human society need to know and understand about cognitive networked things and tools to stay in control? Panelists will talk about trends in their specific domains, their experiences with cognitive networked systems, challenges they see for a cognitive IoT, and directions to follow both for industry and academia.
Karin Anna Hummel is an Associate Professor at Johannes Kepler University Linz (JKU Linz) working on mobile networked systems. She received her Ph.D. in 2005 from the Vienna University of Technology with distinction and was awarded a Marie Curie Fellowship in 2011. After starting her professional career at Siemens Austria AG/PSE, she joined the University of Vienna as a researcher and lecturer, followed by a position as a senior researcher at ETH Zurich before joining JKU Linz in 2015. Karin Anna Hummel has long-term expertise in mobile computing, human mobility characterization, networked systems, and wireless networking focusing on the areas of energy-efficient wireless networking, mobility-aware network protocols, and networks of unmanned aerial vehicles. She has been co-operating in many international research projects, leading projects and sub-groups in joint projects, and is author of more than 80 papers.