All accepted conference papers has been carefully reviewed by at least three external, expert reviewers on a double-blind, peer review basis. Conference proceedings will be published by the Austrian Computer Society (OCG) as a book in the books[at] series.
Selected papers will be further considered for publication in special issues of:
- International Journal of Web Information Systems
- International Journal of Web and Grid Services
- International Journal of Business Intelligence and Data Mining
- Journal of System and Management Sciences
Submissions Guidelines
The length of papers should not exceed 10 pages for full papers and 5 pages for short papers, demos and posters.
Submissions must be edited according to the guidelines of the OCG. If you are using the OAGM style for LaTeX your paper will comply with these guidelines inherently. The camera-ready paper must not contain any page numbers!
Author Kits
Instructions and sample files are available for LaTeX and Microsoft Word. Please use one of the following templates for preparing your document:
- LaTeX style and template file [Download zip ]
- MS Word sample file and guidelines [Download doc | rtf | pdf ]
- Example of a well formatted paper
Camera Ready Submission
The camera ready submission of your accepted paper has to be sent by October 16, 2006 to cameraready[AT] Papers not sent in time won't be published in the proceedings.
Please note that accepted papers can only be published when at least one author has registered for the conference. So, authors will be requested to register along with the final manuscript no later than October 16, 2006.