Camera-Ready Paper Submission

The iiWAS2009 proceedings will be published by ACM with the ISBN 978-1-60558-660-1. This volume includes all iiWAS2009 full, short, MDC, and ERPAS papers.

Please complete the following steps in order to get your iiWAS2009 paper published:

  1. Camera-Ready Paper
    To prepare the Camera-Ready paper, follow the reviewers' comments sent to you by e-mail and make sure that you meet the ACM guidelines.
    Authors using Latex need to choose the LateX2e – Tighter Alternate style.

    On the first page of your paper you must include the following copyright and bibliographic strip (sample page):

    Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, or republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee.
    iiWAS2009, December 14�16, 2009, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
    Copyright 2009 ACM 978-1-60558-660-1/09/0012...$10.00.
    Please notice the increased price from $5.00 to $10.00 in the ACM copyright paragraph!!
    In case of Latex, please make sure that you take the Alternate ACM LaTeX2e Style File V2.4 from APRIL 2009 .

    Note: The maximum number of pages is 8 pages for full papers and 5 pages for short, ERPAS and MDC papers. For each extra page a fee of 50 € (200.00 RM) will be charged with a maximum of two extra pages.
    Please do not add page numbers or any other heading information in your paper.
  2. Copyright:
    Read the ACM copyright policy, fill in (handwritten or electronic) and sign the copyright form.
    Please fill in the complete title of the paper and at least the first author as ACM demands.
    Note: For jointly authored papers, an original signature is required from one (assumed main) author only.
    Please submit the copyright form together with the camera-ready version of the paper as described below in 3. Camera-Ready Paper Submission.
  3. Camera-Ready Paper Submission
    If all preceding terms are fulfilled, fill out the paper submission form to submit your personal data accompanying the camera ready paper and copyright form.


    Submission system is closed since the 27th of October 2009.

    Note: Only full, short and ERPAS papers should be uploaded via the submission system. MDC and workshop papers should be sent by email to the chair.
  4. Registration
    In order for your paper to be included in the proceedings we require at least one author to register and pay the registration fees in full before October 21st, 2009. For registration please refer to the registration page.

For inquiries and assistance to the the camera-ready submission, please contact