Accepted Masters and Doctoral Colloquium (MDC) Papers

ID Title Author(s) Country
MDC 1 Automated Web Performance Analysis, with a Special Focus on Prediction Martin Pinzger Austria
MDC 2 The Architecture of a Web Service-Based Remote Control Service System Xi Guo UK
MDC 3 Towards a Mashup-driven End-User Programming of SOA-based Applications Tobias Nestler Germany
MDC 4 A Mobile Trusted Computing Architecture for a Near Field Communication Ecosystem Gerald Madlmayr Austria
MDC 5 Usability Metric for Mobile Application: A Goal Question Metric (GQM) Approach Azham Hussain UK
MDC 7 Identity in Massively Multiplayer Online games: A Qualitative Pilot Study Alex Meredith UK
MDC 8 On Using Provenance Data to Increase the Reliability of Ubiquitous Computing Environments Muhammad Imran Austria
MDC 10 Virtual Data Integration on the Web – Novel Methods for Accessing Heterogeneous and Distributed Data with Rich Semantics Andreas Langegger Austria