iiWAS2005 Keynote Speakers

The Web goes mobile - can we keep pace?
Prof. Dr. Gabriele Kotsis

Institut für Telekooperation
Johannes Kepler University Linz
Altenberger Strasse 69, 4040 Linz, Austria

Mobile computing is associated with the concept of any-time / any place access to information and computation resources. If we consider the Web as todays biggest, distributed information system it appears to be natural to add mobility to the web and a lot of research efforts and developments have been undertaken towards a "mobile web". However, usage statistics show that there is still a huge gap between the potential of such services and their acceptance in practice.

In this talk, an overview of existing technological developments towards a mobile web will be given along with a critical review of existing services and applications identifying potential barriers hindering their acceptance. One of the major questions to be answered is to enable the human users to cope with this omnipresence of information. We already observe in the "traditional" web people suffering from information overflow, receiving too much, the wrong, or even unwanted information on the web. Personalisation and adaptivity appear to be potential solutions to this problem but bear the risk of putting the user out of control. Approaches trying to overcome this area of conflict will be the focus of the presentation.


Univ. Prof. Mag. Dr. Gabriele Kotsis – Prof. Kotsis received her master degree in 1991 (honoured with the Award of the Austrian Computer Society), her PhD in 1995 (honoured with the Heinz-Zemanek Preis) and the venia docendi in 2000 (computer science, from the University of Vienna). She was working as a researcher and teacher at the University of Vienna (1991-2001), at the Vienna University for Economics and Business Administration (2001) and at the Copenhagen Business School (2002). Since December 2002 she is holding a full professor position at the Telecooperation Department at the Johannes Kepler University Linz. Her research interests include performance management of computer systems and networks, workgroup computing, mobile and Internet computing, telemedia and telecooperation. She has experience in national and international research project in those areas, including for example the EU-funded international BISANTE project on network traffic modelling and simulation, where she was technical leader, or the EMMUS project on Multimedia Usability where she was project coordinator. Gabriele is author of numerous publications in international conferences and journals and is co-editor of several books. She is member of IEEE and ACM and acting president of the AustrianComputer Society. She is actively participating in the organization of international conferences.

The Virtual Heart
Professor Ir.  Dr. Selvanathan Narainasamy

Dean of the  Faculty of Computer Science & Information Technology, University Malaya

50603 Kuala Lumpur
Tel : 603-79676305
Fax : 603-79579249

A general computational framework to modeling the left ventricle of the human heart is being developed at University of Malaya.  The model is based on the fiber fluid developed by Peskin and McQueen.

The heart model is intended as a computational framework and tool for cardiologist and researcher to generate prediction via simulation.  To assure the reliability of the model, the underlying mathematics, physics should be thoroughly validated.

There has been a worldwide effort to build a virtual model in a computer of the human heart together with the dynamics.  This endeavor if successful, will go a long way to improve the techniques used by doctors to diagnose cardiac diseases, to test cardiac related drugs more efficiently and cheaply.  Cardiac surgeon can now rehearse the surgery virtually in a computer and try out risky procedures so as to come out with the correct protocols which can be shared, discussed and disseminated among their colleagues.

Building the model in a computer is not going to be easy since the problems encountered are wide and varied.  But with computer technology, improvement in terms of speed and memory, the future looks bright as far as computer resources are concerned.  There are a few centers in the world which are still committed to building the virtual model of the heart  namely, Auckland, Biomedical Institute – John Hunter and Oxford, University of Oxford – Denis Nobel

There are also efforts by other universities including University of Malaya to build the Virtual Heart.  Various approaches have been adopted in the building of the models.  At Auckland, Hunters group is trying to simulate heart models whose behavior reflects the independently calculated activity of up to 12 million virtual cardiac cells.  One has to map out how these ions flows in cardiac cells which leads  to a heart beat and this requires supercomputing power.  A human heart has a billion cells and the world’s fastest supercomputer cannot simulate the functionality of the cells in real time.  The Auckland model  which represents human, dog and mouse hearts takes about 8 hrs or more of a supercomputer for a single heart beat.  The model the Auckland group has adopted basically shows the origin of electrical activity at cellular level, how the activation wave spreads to other cells and the electrical wave is converted to mechanical contraction of the heart wall.  The contraction of the wall will cause the blood to flow through the heart and the energy is distributed through the whole system.

There are also efforts by other universities including University of Malaya. We are interested in studying the dynamics of the heart and have implemented the “fiber-fluid” model. The fiber-fluid model was first proposed by David M. McQueen and Charles S. Peskin. This computer model of the heart was based on the anatomy and mechanical properties of the heart muscle fiber. The heart is represented as elastic fibers within an uncompressible fluid grid.

In this computation model, the fiber is listed as fiber points, and the fluid surrounding the boundaries are represented by a rectangular lattice. In this model, the motion of a fluid and the motion of a fiber immersed in, and interact with that fluid.

But here in this model, the boundaries of the fiber which makes up the muscle are not rigid and their movement is the result of forces imposed by the movement of the surrounding fluid. There are two entities here, the fiber and the fluid both feeding on each other. They form a coupled system and in a computer, both the motions are computed iteratively and this makes the fiber-fluid model difficult to simulate.


Professor Ir.  Dr. Selvanathan Narainasamy is the  Dean of the  Faculty of Computer Science & Information Technology, University Malaya. He obtained his Bachelors Degree in Physics in 1974, proceeding with his Masters in Systems Engineering (Software option) in 1986 and PhD in 1994. Prof. Dr. Ir.  Selvanathan is a Chartered Engineer and  is registered as a  MIEE (UK), MIEM(M), BEM, PEng(M).

Dr Ir. N. Selvanathan is a  lecturer in the area of Artificial Intelligence . His research interests are in the area  of  Medical Imaging, Computer Aided Design Modeling, Artificial Neural Network, Fuzzy Logic, Evolutionary  Algorithms, Quantum Algorithms, Virtual Reality and Models of Consciousness.  His interest also includes to seek for a higher truth from a synergy of  Computers, Quantum Physics, Cosmology  and  Philosophy . He has written a book titled ‘The Quantum Brain’ which will be published soon. He has published over 80 papers in Conferences and Journals. A Physicist,  Engineer and a Computer Scientist with   25 years of  teaching experience in  Physics,  Electronic Engineering and Computer Science. He has supervised numerous projects at undergraduate & postgraduate levels. He was involved in an European funded Parallel Processing Computer Project and two IRPA funded research.

Securing Outsourced Information Databases
Prof. Dr. Bala Srinivasan

School of Computer Science and Software Engineering
Faculty of Information Technology
Monash University, Melbourne, Australia

Due to the growth in the availability of Internet and the increase in network band width, many organisations are using the outsourcing as their new information technology paradigm to reduce their operational cost (or increase their profitability).

This paradigm is normally translated into purchasing the information technology needs of the organisation from Application Service Providers. The current manifestation this paradigm is the
outsourcing of organisation's data resource (database) operations.
The service provider will take complete control in providing both the hardware and software requirements for running the client's data and at the same time allowing client to create, modify and query the data. The Security requirements in such outsourced databases differ from that of conventional in-house databases. This talk will overview the issues and the current state of art and the research challenges in providing secure outsourced information databases.


Bala Srinivasan is a Professor of Information Technology in the School of Computer Science and Software Engineering, Faculty of Information Technology, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia. He was formerly an academic staff member of the Department of Computer Science and Information Systems at the National University of Singapore and the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India. He has authored and jointly edited 6 technical books and authored and co-authored more than 200 international refereed publications in journals and
conferences in the areas of Databases, Multimedia Retrieval Systems, Distributed and Mobile Computing and Data Mining. He has supervised a number of PhD students and his contribution to research supervision was recognised by Monash University by awarding the Vice-Chancellor medal for excellence. He is founding chairman of the Australiasian database conference which is held annually. He holds a Bachelor of Engineering Honours degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering, a Masters degree and a Ph.D, both in Computer Science.

