and Deployment of Web Services and
Web Services-based processes.
Dimka Korastoyanova, MSc.
Ph.D. Program “Enabling Technologies for the
Darmstadt University of Technology, Germany
proposed tutorial is organised in two parts:
on the one hand it focuses on basic web service concepts; on
the other hand it provides a practical experience in the web.
The first part of the tutorial deals with the fundamental concepts
of the web services paradigm, the standard protocols for development
of web services (XML, SOAP,WSDL, UDDI), and the currently available
proposals for web services-based business processes (WSFL, XLang,
The second part of the tutorial tackles the practical issues
of the process for development and deployment of web services
and web service flows.
As a beginning, we go into issues concerning the choice of a
platform, which includes the Apache Tomcat Server, the Apache
AXIS engine, and IBM’s BPWS4j engine, and consider the arguments
for and against the choice of this web service platform.
Secondly, we illustrate in details the process of creation (implementation,
deployment and registration) of web services.
Thirdly, building on these results, we introduce the full procedure
for development and deployment of BPEL web services process,
providing a comprehensive example.
Tutorials Structure
I. Overview
II. Theoretical Part
1. Introduction representing a short overview of the existing
standards, specifications, implementations
and tools for Web Services and Web Servicesbased
process development.
2. The WSs protocol stack and the de facto standards:
• The basics: HTTP, XML, SOAP, WSDL, UDDI;
• Business processes: WSFL, XLang, BPML, BPEL4WS;
• Coordination and transactions support: XLang,
WSCoordination, WSTransaction;
III. Practical Part:
1. Software Platform details: Apache Tomcat Server, Apace AXIS,
and BPWS4j.
2. Creation, deployment and registration of WSs.
3. Development and deployment of Web Services-based
processes with BPWS4j.
IV. Conclusion
Background Knowledge:
Participants are expected to have basic knowledge in XML and
Java programming.
It is advisable but not a must to be familiar with Apache Tomcat
Server and the AXIS engine. Some basic knowledge of web services
and the foundations of workflow would additionally facilitate
the comprehension of the practical examples.
Target Audience:
This is an introductory tutorial dealing with the WS paradigm
features. It is suitable for both theoretically oriented researchers
and practitioners, who would like to take a closer look at the
specifics of the WSs and WS-based applications.
Information about the speaker:
Dimka Karastoyanova, M.Sc.
Ph.D. Program “Enabling Technologies for the e-Commerce”
Darmstadt University of Technology, Germany
Wilhelminenstrasse 7
D-64283 Darmstadt
Telephone: +49 6151 16 6705
Fax: +49 6151 16 6707
Short Curriculum Vitae
Dimka Karastoyanova graduated from the Technical University
of Sofia, Bulgaria, with a Bachelor and a Master degree in Industrial
Engineering. She earned a Master’s degree in Computational Engineering
at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany.
Currently she is a Ph.D. Student at the Ph.D. Program “Enabling
Technologies for the e-Commerce” at the Darmstadt University
of Technology, Germany. Her research topics include Database
Systems, e-Commerce, Web Services, Business Process modelling
and management, compositions of Web Services, transactional
support for Web Service-based applications.