With the World Wide Web, people have access to more tourism
information than ever before. However, too much information
from too many sources has caused an information overload.
Accessing information on the Internet has become less a question
of determining whether the information is out there, but rather,
in what form, and how to find it. Tourists have problems to
find what they are looking for, especially in reference to
the geographic position of the object and its surroundings.
In most cases it is not satisfying to find a nice hotel without
a reference to restaurants, sights or event locations located
nearby. The approach presented in this paper starts from the
user needs, to present the tourism object in geographic context
on interactive tourist maps in SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics)
the upcoming standard for two dimensional vector graphics
in the Web. Maps cope with the two dimensional capabilities
of human vision and present the information in a compact and
easy to read way.
Franz Pühretmair
Institute for Applied Knowledge Processing(FAW)
University of Linz
Franz P hretmair ( was born 1971 in
Grieskirchen, Austria. He studied at the Johannes Kepler University
Linz computer science and data engineering and obtained his
degrees in 1997. Since 1997 he works as research assistant
and project manager at thenbsp; Institute for Applied Knowledge
Processing (FAW) at the Johannes Kepler University Linz. During
his work at the FAW he was involved in numerous projects directly
with industrial and business partners as well as European
Community founded projects. He was speaker at various international
conferences (CAiSE, EC-Web, and ENTER).
Roland Wagner
Director of the Institute of Knowledge Processing
University of Linz
Roland Wagner ( is Professor for
Information Systems at the Johannes Kepler University of Linz.
He is director of the Research Institute for Applied Knowledge
Processing (FAW). He is managing various industrial and research
projects in the areas of information systems, knowledge-based
systems, neural networks and electronic commerce. He is teaching
in the area of Information Systems. His current research interests
are new database developments, object oriented database design,
data mining and data warehousing. He is member of the ACM,
OCG (Austrian Computer Socienty), GI (German Society of Computer
Science), IEEE Computer Society, Board of DEXA, ÖGI (Austrian
Society of Informatic) and ÖMG (Autrian Mathematical
Society). He is referee of various International Conferences,
author/editor of 8 books and more than 100 reviewed proceedings
and scientific journals.